Sunday, March 30, 2008

Accounts Receivable Factoring Companies

As an owner of a company, you may have felt frustrated because your cash is tied up in fixed inventories and so you don?t have enough cash flow to energize your business. And keeping track of the invoices and the slow payments may distract you from the more pressing needs of your business.

You approach a bank for a loan, but don??bf?t get it. Then, in this scenario, the best option for you is to approach an Accounts Receivable Factoring or Financing Company. An Accounts Receivable Factoring Company will purchase your Accounts Receivable, such as invoices, at a discounted rate. This means that it will purchase them for less than the face value of the invoices. The seller company gets the cash, and the responsibility of collecting the money due becomes that of the Factoring Company. The Factoring Company collects the cash at the face value of the invoices, and thereby makes profits.

Apart from the Accounts Receivable Factoring Companies, there are also the Accounts Receivable Financing Companies, which function a bit differently from the Accounts Receivable Factoring Companies.

These Financing Companies offer loans by taking the invoices as collateral. This means that they don??bf?t really purchase the invoices. They just issue loans against them. This also means that the responsibility of cash collection lies with the business company, not with the Financing Company.

Both Accounts Receivable Factoring Companies and Financing Companies charge additional fees for their services. But the fees involved with the Factoring Companies are more than those from Financing Companies. This is because the responsibility of cash collection is also with the Factoring Company.

Accounts Receivable Factoring provides detailed information on accounts receivable factoring, accounts receivable collection, accounts receivable factoring companies, accounts receivable financing and more. Accounts Receivable Factoring is affliated with Accounts Receivable Collection

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Accounts Receivable Factoring

Accounts Receivable Financing and Accounts Receivable Factoring are two terms that are intermittently used, but there is a major difference between them. Although both refer to the concept of extending cash to an owner of a business in lieu of invoices and other Accounts Receivable, there are differences between the two, no matter how subtle.

First of all, Accounts Receivable Financing is a loan in which the invoices are used as collateral. But this not the case with Accounts Receivable Factoring. Accounts Receivable Factoring is not a loan. It involves the selling of the invoices to the Financing company at a rate less than the face value of the invoices. The Financing companies then collect the money at the full face value from the clients. This means the business house no longer has the responsibility of collecting the money.

But this is not the case in Accounts Receivable Financing. The process of Financing involves the extension of an advance on the percentage of each invoice??bf?s amount. Also, the responsibility of collecting the money remains with the business house.

Both Accounts Receivable Funding and Financing companies charge additional fees for services rendered, but in case of Accounts Receivable Factoring, the fees charged are comparatively higher. This is mainly because the entire responsibility of collecting the money is with the Financing company.

Companies providing Accounts Receivable Financing step in and work with companies who cannot get loans otherwise. Accounts Receivable Factoring, on the other hand, proves useful to business houses urgently in need of ready cash flow.

That said, both Accounts Receivable Factoring and Financing prove extremely convenient to companies who urgently require a cash flow to keep their business going.

Accounts Receivable Factoring provides detailed information on accounts receivable factoring, accounts receivable collection, accounts receivable factoring companies, accounts receivable financing and more. Accounts Receivable Factoring is affliated with Accounts Receivable Collection

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Friday, March 28, 2008

Factoring And Invoice Finance Demystified

When faced with a factoring service contract for the first time, you may find it complicated. In fact the concept of invoice finance is quite simple.

Factoring is a financial facility that allows your company to get paid on the invoices almost as soon as they have been issued. The facility effectively allows small or medium sized companies to turn your invoices, to include slow paying invoices into cash. Also known as accounts receivable financing, this is merely a way of helping small businesses capitalise on their future income today. It is a very easy way of improving the cash flow of your company and bridging the cash flow gap created when selling to another business on credit terms.

Factoring is similar to invoice discounting. The key difference is that with factoring, the financier runs the ledger, whilst with invoice discounting there is no credit control element to the facility. The business simply becomes the agent foe collecting in the funds on behalf of the financier. Invoice discounting can be disclosed to the customers or confidential, enabling you to go about your day to day activity without any implications as par as your customer?s perception goes and without any impact on the good relationships you have built.

What exactly can factoring do for your business?

Most businesses trade on credit terms, so when services and or products are delivered and the relevant invoice raised, there is a period of time (usually 30-90 days) before payment is received from your customer. There are a few solutions to assist you in trading and growing your business.

A Bank loan or overdraft is not the ideal way of financing a growing business. Overdrafts can be recalled at anytime and are not often granted at the right level to aloe you to optimize your business. In addition, often personal security is required.

The best cash flow solutions is invoice finance. The factoring/Invoice Discounting company will fund your invoices once the goods/services are delivered and the invoices raised. The rate your financier will advance against your invoices can be up to 90%. Invoices are typically financed for 120 days from the invoice date. Once your customer pays the outstanding balance, you will then receive the percentage you have not been paid against an invoice less your charges.

Charges can vary dependant on the type of facility and the level of service you opt for. The choice of the right solution for your business comes down to what your business?s specific requirements are. If it is particularly important to outsource the sales ledger management aspect of your business, then you may find it useful to opt for a factoring facility. This will free up some time and assist to reduce your debtor days.

An additional service offered by such companies is protection against bad debts, which would typically cover up to 90% of the outstanding balance on any customer, where you have a designated protection limit in place.

You?ve signed up with a factoring company. Now what?

When you invoice a customer, you send an electronic copy of that invoice to your factor.

The factor advances you the agreed percentage of that invoice. The factor is then responsible to collect the money from your customer. When the factoring company receives the amount due from the customer, it will pay you the rest of the money, minus the fees. Fees are usually broken down into two: Service fee, charged for running the ledger, collection activity and monitoring and a Discount Fee, which is charged over base rate, usually on a daily basis on the outstanding borrowed balance.

Who can benefit from using a factoring company?

Factoring is the best solution for any business that relies on a timely payment of outstanding invoices.

The most common indicators that you need a factoring facility are:

- When you are a new, cash flow dependant business.
- When your business doesn?t rely on a small number of major customers.
- When you need to finance the growth of your turnover
- When you foresee an increase in sales and you want to be able to take advantage of it.
- When you simply don?t want to get involved with anything other than what you do best, that is production and sales.

Now you have the basics. All that?s left for you to do is consider the benefits and decide if factoring or Invoice Discounting could be the solution to speed up the growth of your business.

By Iulia Pascanu sponsored by Decision Finance provides financial solutions such as term loans, stock & factoring: Please link to this site when using this article.

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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Invoice Factoring: Cash Now, No Waiting, NO Debt? Your competitor is doing it, Are you?

What are Your costs for NOT Factoring?

Consider the time value of money and the benefits of improved cash flow to your business. By having, cash for your invoices within 24 hours are you able to pay your suppliers faster and receive better discounts. Are you able to fulfill your next order to XYZ Company and make payroll without tapping your line of credit at the bank? Can you offer longer terms to larger customers and attract more business? Can improved cash flow help your business grow or survive without incurring more debt at the bank? Can the financial benefits of improved cash flow to your business offset the fees of Factoring, and then some? Sure it can, the savings alone in taking discounts from your vendors can equal the cost of Factoring. All the other savings are in your pocket! Factoring is a smart business decision. Why are you doing it?

Is Cash needed immediately for growth or survival?

Is long billing cycles putting a strain on your business cash flow? Despite increasing sales, does the management of receivables and payables seem like a juggling act? Could your business increase sales by offering better terms to your new and larger customers? Are you spending too much time collecting from slow paying customers and not enough time building your business? Is your bank turning you down for traditional financing due to years in business, profitability, lack of assets, personal guarantees or financial strength?

Have you considered turning away new business due to slow cash flow?

These are challenges many businesses face that can be solved with Factoring.

Benefits of Factoring Receivables


The advanced funding you receive for your receivables and the discount fees you will pay are based solely on the financial strength and credit worthiness of your customers, not your business!

You receive Cash for your unpaid accounts receivable invoices. Usually the factoring company buys the invoice from you for an amount less than its actual face value (70-90%). When the Factor later collects the full amount of the invoice from your client, you will receive the remainder of the advance less the factoring fee (discount rate). Fees will vary depending on the total dollar amount you intend to factor on a monthly basis.


Need a flexible financial solution that can help your business be more competitive while improving your cash flow, credit rating, and supplier discounts? Factor as much as your want or as little as you want. You decide. No obligations. There are No minimums and No maximums in the amount you can factor. No binding contracts, if that is what you want.

Unlike traditional bank financing, factoring relies on the financial strength and credit worthiness of your customers, not you. Here?s why you should use Factoring services:

Offer Better Terms - Win More Business

With Factoring, you can attract more business by offering better terms on your invoices. Most companies negotiate on price to win business in a competitive market, but with Factoring, you can negotiate with terms instead of price.

To your customers, better terms can be more attractive than better prices.

When using attractive terms to win business, you can build the cost of factoring into your costs of good and services.

Example: A new customer may choose to do business with your company because you can offer NET 30 or NET 45 terms while your competitor (who isn't factoring) requires payment up front but has a 3% better price. If you factor the subsequent invoice at a discount of 3%, you have leveraged factoring services to win the business at no extra cost and improved your cash flow at the same time.

Improve Cash Flow * NO Additional Debt *WIN over customers

Your Business Receives:
* Get cash in 24 hours or less from your outstanding invoices! Eliminate long billing cycles.
* No new debt is created. Factoring is not a loan. This allows you to preserve your financial leverage to take on new debt. Improved credit rating.
* Purchase capital equipment to expand your business.
* Increase inventory for quicker shipments or handle seasonal inventory needs.
* Market for additional business.
* Take trade discounts. This alone can offset Factoring fees and all the other savings are gravy!
* Pay off nagging, expensive delinquent obligations.
* End payroll worries.
* Meet tax requirements on time. No more exhaustive penalty fees.
* Negotiate discount purchasing.
* Unlimited sales and profit potential.

You Receive:
*Cash stability
*Simple to start and use
*You keep control
* Reduce stress, improve planning, focus on what is critical to make money.
Customer Credit Services:
*Reduce bad debt expense, work with experts at collecting.
* Streamline credit approvals for new customers.
* Improve decision-making on new business.
* Reduce administration costs: long distance calls for collection and credit investigation, postage, staff, monthly statements and more.
* Larger customer credit lines and better terms, which increase sales.
* As you grow, your payroll budget for credit and collection department is minimal.
Accounts Receivable Management:
* Reduce administrative costs. Factor will post invoices and apply cash applications.
* Improve customer relationships. You are no longer the bad guy looking for payment.
* Improve receivable turns. Fact: Customers pay Factors before independent businesses.
* Improve accounting performance; timely reports, online access and more.
* Redirect your critical resources to marketing and production

If you are looking to receive an increase in cash flow and increase your bottom line profits, you need to factor your invoices now!

Please feel free to reprint this article as long as it is left intact and all links are hyperlinked.

BRT Financial specializes in Invoice Factoring; it gets you the cash you need now! Factor as many invoices as you need! Invoice Factoring will provide the cash flow you need to increase your bottom line profits!

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Increase Cash Flow With Invoice Factoring

Invoice factoring is one of the quickest, easiest ways for business owners to increase their cash flow. If your business produces invoices, then invoice factoring is an option for you.

The process of invoice factoring works in just a few simple steps. When an invoice is created, you sell it to the ?factor? at a discounted rate ? usually about 3 to 5 percent off of the invoice total. Factoring means you do not have to wait for the customer to pay to start collecting money from the invoice.

First you, the business owner, notify the factor that the invoice has been created. Usually this can be done electronically. You provide the customer?s contact information to the factor, and the factor will confirm the invoice with your customer.

Typically, invoices are confirmed with a simple letter or phone call. Usually the factor appears to your customer to be a billing processor or department, confirming the invoice on your behalf. This way, the customer does not realize you have sold your invoice to a third party.

Some invoice factoring companies are willing to remain completely invisible to your customers. And after you have established a relationship with your factor, and they are more familiar with your business and your customer base, they will likely stop confirming every single invoice.

After the invoice has been confirmed, the factor pays your business what is known as the ?advance rate.? This is a percentage of the invoice total, typically around 70 to 85 percent.

The factor then collects the total amount of the invoice from your customer. They keep their 3 to 5 percent, and forward the rest of the total to you.

Invoices factoring increases your business? working capitol and helps improve the credit rating of your business. And, when factoring your invoices, you are in control. You decide which invoices to factor and which ones to collect yourself, based on your relationship with your customer base.

Have you just recently started up your business? Are you finding it difficult to build enough working capitol to run your business day to day? Invoice factoring can work as a bridge to get you over the rough waters after start-up until your business is able to run smoothly.

And, if your business has poor or no credit history, invoice factoring is an option to consider if loans or liens won?t work for you, or if you consider them too risky.

A steady, reliable cash flow is necessary for any business to operate smoothly. Worrying about your cash flow also causes business owners more stress than almost any other aspect of their business. Invoice factoring allows you to stop worrying. It is the simple, fast way to increase cash flow now.

Robert Michael is a writer for MZ Factoring which is an excellent place to find factoring links, resources and articles. For more information go to:"

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Invoice Factoring: Cash Now, No Waiting, NO Debt... Your competitor is doing it, Are you?

What are Your costs for NOT Factoring?

Consider the time value of money and the benefits of improved cash flow to your business. By having, cash for your invoices within 24 hours are you able to pay your suppliers faster and receive better discounts. Are you able to fulfill your next order to XYZ Company and make payroll without tapping your line of credit at the bank? Can you offer longer terms to larger customers and attract more business? Can improved cash flow help your business grow or survive without incurring more debt at the bank? Can the financial benefits of improved cash flow to your business offset the fees of Factoring, and then some? Sure it can, the savings alone in taking discounts from your vendors can equal the cost of Factoring. All the other savings are in your pocket! Factoring is a smart business decision. Why are you doing it?

Is Cash needed immediately for growth or survival?

Is long billing cycles putting a strain on your business cash flow? Despite increasing sales, does the management of receivables and payables seem like a juggling act? Could your business increase sales by offering better terms to your new and larger customers? Are you spending too much time collecting from slow paying customers and not enough time building your business? Is your bank turning you down for traditional financing due to years in business, profitability, lack of assets, personal guarantees or financial strength?

Have you considered turning away new business due to slow cash flow?

These are challenges many businesses face that can be solved with Factoring.

Benefits of Factoring Receivables


The advanced funding you receive for your receivables and the discount fees you will pay are based solely on the financial strength and credit worthiness of your customers, not your business!

You receive Cash for your unpaid accounts receivable invoices. Usually the factoring company buys the invoice from you for an amount less than its actual face value (70-90%). When the Factor later collects the full amount of the invoice from your client, you will receive the remainder of the advance less the factoring fee (discount rate). Fees will vary depending on the total dollar amount you intend to factor on a monthly basis.


Need a flexible financial solution that can help your business be more competitive while improving your cash flow, credit rating, and supplier discounts? Factor as much as your want or as little as you want. You decide. No obligations. There are No minimums and No maximums in the amount you can factor. No binding contracts, if that is what you want.

Unlike traditional bank financing, factoring relies on the financial strength and credit worthiness of your customers, not you. Here's why you should use Factoring services:

Offer Better Terms - Win More Business

With Factoring, you can attract more business by offering better terms on your invoices. Most companies negotiate on price to win business in a competitive market, but with Factoring, you can negotiate with terms instead of price.

To your customers, better terms can be more attractive than better prices.

When using attractive terms to win business, you can build the cost of factoring into your costs of good and services.

Example: A new customer may choose to do business with your company because you can offer NET 30 or NET 45 terms while your competitor (who isn't factoring) requires payment up front but has a 3% better price. If you factor the subsequent invoice at a discount of 3%, you have leveraged factoring services to win the business at no extra cost and improved your cash flow at the same time.

Improve Cash Flow* NO Additional Debt *WIN over customers

Your Business Receives:

* Get cash in 24 hours or less from your outstanding invoices! Eliminate long billing cycles.

* No new debt is created. Factoring is not a loan. This allows you to preserve your financial leverage to take on new debt. Improved credit rating.

* Purchase capital equipment to expand your business.

* Increase inventory for quicker shipments or handle seasonal inventory needs.

* Market for additional business.

* Take trade discounts. This alone can offset Factoring fees and all the other savings are gravy!

* Pay off nagging, expensive delinquent obligations.

* End payroll worries.

* Meet tax requirements on time. No more exhaustive penalty fees.

* Negotiate discount purchasing.

* Unlimited sales and profit potential.

You Receive:

*Cash stability

*Simple to start and use

*You keep control

* Reduce stress, improve planning, focus on what is critical to make money.

Customer Credit Services:

*Reduce bad debt expense, work with experts at collecting.

* Streamline credit approvals for new customers.

* Improve decision-making on new business.

* Reduce administration costs: long distance calls for collection and credit investigation, postage, staff, monthly statements and more.

* Larger customer credit lines and better terms, which increase sales.

* As you grow, your payroll budget for credit and collection department is minimal.

Accounts Receivable Management:

* Reduce administrative costs. Factor will post invoices and apply cash applications.

* Improve customer relationships. You are no longer the bad guy looking for payment.

* Improve receivable turns. Fact: Customers pay Factors before independent businesses.

* Improve accounting performance; timely reports, online access and more.

* Redirect your critical resources to marketing and production

If you are looking to receive an increase in cash flow and increase your bottom line profits, you need to factor your invoices now!

Please feel free to reprint this article as long as it is left intact and all links are hyperlinked.

BRT Financial specializes in Invoice Factoring; it gets you the cash you need now! Factor as many invoices as you need! Invoice Factoring will provide the cash flow you need to increase your bottom line profits!

www.brtfinancial.comInvoice Factoring: Cash Now, No Waiting, NO Debt... Your competitor is doing it, Are you?

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Monday, March 24, 2008

Invoice Factoring: A Tool To Revitalize Your Business

Imagine a situation where your company is unable to strike a good deal owing to late payment to be made by its customers. You find yourself to be really missing out on "that big deal." But now, you don't really need to face the guilt of missing out such an opportunity. Thanks to the boom of factoring into the financial field! All that you need to do is approach a suitable factor and see yourself getting out of every dilemma.

Compared to loans and lines of credit, which require the clients to have tangible assets and strong financials, invoice factoring helps one to attain cash easily. Besides, most of the business enterprises today do not qualify for the criterion set by the traditional lending institutions. As such, invoice factoring offers them an excellent opportunity to gear up their business. Factoring allows them to avail immediate capital only at a nominal cost.

Invoice factoring is a blessing for business enterprises that are preparing to grow significantly because the factor takes up a part of the client's credit risk for the end customers. It involves the factor's bearing up of the loss in case the debtor fails to pay the invoice. This, therefore, is one of the critical services lent by factors to ambitious business enterprises.

One essential thing to know about factoring is that one doesn't need to owe anything to the factor. The factor does not advance loans but buys invoices from the client. Since invoice factoring is not a loan, it is easy to qualify for it. All you need is a well-run business along with good customers. These are the only two potential prerequisites needed to avail the benefit of factoring. Many factors, infact, do not even demand high credibility on part of the customers. This makes factoring even more alluring to small business enterprises.

Besides, one of the primary objectives of any enterprise is steady cash flow. If cash flow freezes all of a sudden, there arises an immediate need to convert the receivables into ready cash. Invoice factoring thus offers the unique prospect to regenerate a dying business as it provides certain ancillary services as well as frees up internal resources.

Suzanne is an Internet marketing professional with expertise in content development and technical writing in a variety of industries. Small Business Cash Advance

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Sunday, March 23, 2008

Growing your Business with Invoie Factoring

Is cash a little bit tight? Have you ever risked missing payroll? Have you ever had to pass up an opportunity because you did not have enough money? If so, you are not alone. Every business owner goes through those same challenges every day. Some come out on top. Others perish.

What is the biggest difference between those that succeed and those that perish? Cash flow. And plenty of it.

If you work with commercial or government clients, then you are already used to waiting up to 60 days to get paid by your clients. That is ok if your business has lots of resources and a stash of cash in the bank. But what if you don't?

One of the most frustrating things that can happen to a business owner is realizing that his company is invoice rich and cash poor. Meaning, you have tons of money owed to you by clients (and payable in 60 days) but little cash to show for it. This does nothing for you, if you need to meet payroll in 3 days or need money to buy supplies for a new project. Fortunately, there is an easy way to turn those invoices into cash, without using any collections or heavy-handed tactics.

The solution involves factoring your invoices. Never heard of invoice factoring? You are not alone. Factoring is one of the most used and least talked about business financing tools. It allows you to convert your invoices into immediate cash. It helps you turn your invoice rich business into a cash rich business.

Qualifying for factoring is simple and only takes a few days. As opposed to business loans, you don't need a long business history or reams of financial statements to qualify. All you need are invoices for credit worthy commercial clients or government clients.

And how does factoring work? Well, it simpler than you think. As soon as you have completed a job, you submit an invoice to your client and send a copy to the factoring company. The factoring company will advance you a substantial portion of your invoice, usually within a day. Once your client pays the invoice, the transaction is settled.

As you can see, factoring provides you with immediate cash as soon as you invoice. This helps you meet payroll, pay suppliers and take on new jobs. With factoring, you can streamline your billing cycle and grow your company, without ever needing a business loan.

Commercial Capital LLC Looking for a factoring company? We can provide you with a factoring, invoice factoring or accounts receivable factoring quote? Please call Marco Terry at (866) 730 1922 for more information

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What can a factoring company do for you?

Are you selling goods or services to commercial customers or to the government? If so, you are probably used to the idea of having to wait up to 60 days to get your invoices paid. However, waiting to get paid can be challenging, especially if you have business expenses that can't wait. That is where a factoring company can help you.

Factoring companies can provide you with financing, based on your slow paying invoices. They eliminate the 60 day payment waiting period and provide you with the necessary liquidity to meet payroll, pay rent and meet business obligations. Here is how factoring works in a nutshell:

1. You invoice your customers and send a copy of the invoice to the factoring company 2. The factoring company advances you up to 90% of your invoices 3. You get immediate use of the funds. The factoring company waits to be paid 4. Once the factoring company is paid by the customer, the transaction is settled

Although many business owners will go to a factoring company to get financing, factoring companies also provide other important services. Most notably, factoring companies can act as your business credit department. They can review existing clients and new prospects and advise you of their payment habits. And since they manage your accounts receivable, factors can also provide you with important financial reports and financial analysis.

More importantly, a factoring company can help you grow your business. By turning your slow paying invoices into cash, they give you the financing and the flexibility to take on new opportunities. And, factoring financing lines don't have arbitrary limits like business loans. They grow in relation to your sales. The more you sell, the more financing you get.

Because of these benefits, factoring companies can be great business partners and help finance your business growth.

Commercial Capital LLC Need a factoring company? We can provide you with a factoring and invoice factoring quote. Call Marco Terry at (866) 730 1922 for more information

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Friday, March 21, 2008

Receibales Factoring Financing - How to Self Finance Growth

Do you own a company that is growing quickly? If your company were a car, do you feel like you are pressing on the accelerator while at the same time stepping on the brake? Or worse, that your growth is stuck in neutral?

Slow cash flow is the biggest challenge to company growth. And business owners, like you, know that the biggest cash flow problem is having to wait up to 90 days to get paid by your commercial and government customers.

Going to the bank for a business loan won't help much, unless your company has a great past history. This is because banks give business loans based on past performance. What you need is a financing product that can finance your company based on its future potential. And who better to evaluate your future potential than yourself? This is where receivables factoring can help you. This is because receivables factoring is self-financing.

Receivables factoring, also known as invoice factoring, works by eliminating the 30 to 60 days it takes for commercial clients to pay you. It enables you to get a substantial portion of the money owed to you within a day or two of invoicing, providing you with funds to pay rent, meet payroll and more importantly - expand your business.

Imagine if you could get paid consistently, just two days after invoicing. How fast could your business grow? And without debt. This is how receivables factoring works:

1. You invoice your customers as you always do
2. You send a copy of your invoice to the receivables factoring company for financing
3. The factoring company advances you up to 80% of your invoice (20% is not advanced to cover potential disputes, etc.)
4. You get your money right away. The factoring company waits to get paid by your customer
5. Once your customer pays, the factoring company rebates you the 20% reserve, less a small fee

Factoring can be a very cost effective way of financing your business. The factoring fee is based on three factors:

1. The credit quality of your customer, 2. Your monthly volume and, 3. How long it takes customers to pay your invoices.

As a rule of thumb, monthly costs can go from 1.5% to 6% per month depending on these criteria. If you own a company that has a lot of capital tied in slow paying receivables and if you need financing right away, you should consider factoring your invoices.

About Commercial Capital LLC We can provide you with a no obligation factoring, invoice factoring or receivables factoring quote. For more information, please call Marco Terry at (866) 730 1922

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Thursday, March 20, 2008

Can Accounts Receivable Factoring Help My Company?

Are you stuck with great but slow paying clients? It is interesting how your biggest asset (great clients) can also be your biggest liability. But that is how business is. And as an owner you must adapt.

Whether you like it or not, slow paying customers are here to stay. As a rule of thumb, commercial clients pay their bills in 30 to 60 days. And lately, the trend has been deteriorating. So, what do you do if you have slow paying receivables.

Many owners try to go to the bank to get a business loan. Not surprisingly, few business owners get business loans. As a rule, banks will only finance companies that have long and established histories. This is not your case if your company is new or emerging from tough times.

If your biggest challenge is that you cannot afford to wait up to 60 days to get paid by your customers, then the solution is accounts receivable factoring. Most commonly known as factoring, this type of financing eliminates the usual wait to get paid. It provides you with the necessary funds to pay suppliers, meet payroll and take on new business opportunities.

And how does factoring work? Simple:

1. You finish the work and send an invoice to your client. You also send a copy to the accounts receivable factoring company. 2. The financing company advances you 70% to 90% of the invoice (a small reserve is held to handle disputes, etc.) 3. You get the funds in 24 hours 4. As soon the customer pays the invoice to the financing company, they rebate the reserve (less a small fee)

As you can see, accounts receivable factoring can easily be integrated into your business, providing you with prompt invoice payments. Usually, funds are advanced within 24 hours of submitting invoices.

Accounts receivable factoring is easy to qualify for. Accounts can be set up in as little as 4 business days. As opposed to business loans, the main requirement for factoring is to do business with strong credit worthy customers. So if you do business with good commercial clients (or the government), be sure to add factoring to your business tool chest.

About Commercial Capital LLC We can provide you with factoring, invoice factoring and accounts receivable factoring. For a no obligation quote, call Marco Terry at (866) 730 1922

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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Invoice Factoring

Factoring is selling invoices to receive your money at the moment, instead of waiting for say, two to three months. That's why it is one of the most important finance management tools - especially for a small company that does not create debt. Factoring does not require you to give up any ownership in your company.

For carrying out any operation, finance is required. So, necessary finance is to be raised, allocated and controlled for the effective execution of any function. Success or failure of the firm as such depends on how effectively the finance part is undertaken.

The finance function is comprised of the determining and raising of necessary funds from appropriate sources and their proper allocation and control. The aim is to attain the enterprise objective of wealth maximization. The wealth or the value of the firm is at the maximum when the return or profit is also at the maximum. But with the increase in return the risk also increases. For example, holding less inventory may increase profit because a lesser amount is locked up in inventory, but this may increase the risk as the chance of running out of inventory is higher.

According to experts, factoring process has some distinct advantages. For example, unlike a loan, collateral is not required in the factoring process, there is no interest, and no debt shows up on your balance sheet. What's more, fees are paid in the form of a percentage discount, deducted after all of the invoices have been paid to the Factor. The discount amount depends on the length of time it takes to collect on the invoices.

Always keep capital budgeting and working capital on mind while understanding the finance management. Capital budgeting is the evaluation and ranking of investment projects with the aim of finding out the most suitable project from among alternative courses. On the other hand, working capital is the amount of capital required for the day-to-day running of the enterprise.

Factoring provides detailed information on factoring, credit card factoring, loan factoring, invoice factoring and more. Factoring is affliated with Invoice Factoring Discounting

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Factoring Software

Factoring software can be defined as an interacting, continuing, future-oriented structure of equipment and procedure, designed to generate and process information flow that can aid business executives in the management of their programs.

Factoring software involves broader and more inclusive activity then, say, research. It includes determining and specifying the data needed, the generation of this information by means of research then the processing of this data. While this is a system concept, research usually deals with fragmented, unrelated research projects, done to solve an existing problem identified by some executive.

Software is used on a continuing basis, serving as both a prognosis and a diagnosis. It is preventive as well as curative medicine for factoring companies. Defining the information needs is the most important step in the development of factoring software. The efficacy of the system as a whole depends on this basic step. When clarity is lacking with regard to information needs, the software as a whole gets misdirected and handicapped. Good software recognizes that different executive levels in the company require different types/ segments of information and it ensures that information needs of various executive positions in the company are defined by the concerned executive themselves.

Good software should fulfill the following requirements. It must be unified. It must be conceived and used as a decision support system. It must be compatible with the company and with the overall level of sophistication of the firm. It must be user oriented and it must secure the involvement of users. It must also involve and motivate the suppliers of the information. It must be economical. The cost value ratio of the information processed by the software should be favorable to the firm. It must be capable of absorbing smoothly any changes that may become necessary in the system.

Factoring provides detailed information on factoring, credit card factoring, loan factoring, invoice factoring and more. Factoring is affliated with Invoice Factoring Discounting

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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Factoring Services

Factoring services means managing the financial operations of an organization to achieve the objective of the enterprise. The basic financial operations are investment, which deals with acquisition of fixed assets; financing, which deals with the raising of required funds from various sources; and profit appropriation, which deals with appropriating the profit earned by the enterprise among the suppliers of funds.

Regarding investment, assets/projects are to be selected only by considering their net returns. Regarding financing it is to be ensured that the firm gets the required finance at the lowest possible cost. Similarly, regarding profit appropriation it is to be seen that sufficient fund is provided for the developmental activities of the enterprise without impairing the interest of the suppliers. In a firm where these operations are planned and controlled properly it can be said that there exists efficient factoring services.

All the operations and resources in a business organization are managed with the same broad objective, i.e., to attain the objective of the enterprise. So each resource or area should be managed in such a way to contribute to the fulfillment of the objective for each functional area. According to the objective of profit maximization the ultimate goal of a business enterprise is to maximize its profits. All the efforts of the organization are to be directed to achieve this goal.

Business is for earning profit. When profit earning is the aim of the business, profit maximization should be the obvious objective. Profitability is an indicator to the efficiency with which the firm is managed. The higher the profit, the better the efficiency. For growth and expansion, profit is the main source of finance. To meet unforeseen contingencies reserves are necessary which is possible only if there is enough profit. However the term profit is vague. It may assume different meanings in different contexts. It may be short-term vs. long-term, or profit to the equity shareholders vs. total profit. It may be profit before tax or profit after tax. It may be absolute profit or profit in relation to investment.

Factoring provides detailed information on factoring, credit card factoring, loan factoring, invoice factoring and more. Factoring is affliated with Invoice Factoring Discounting

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Factoring Consultants

The ultimate goal of factoring consultants is to maximize the wealth of the shareholders. This is represented by the market value of the shares of the factoring companies. Wealth is defined as the net present worth of the company, i.e., the present value of all future returns. This is determined by capitalizing the net income after taxes, which is achieved by discounting the return expected by the investors - also known as cost of equity.

Though the wealth maximization seems superior to profit maximization objective, it is to be noted that the former is based upon the latter. The market price of shares, which is the indicator of the wealth of the firm, is based on the long-term returns of the firm. The returns that accrue to the investor would be a function of the earnings of the company. In addition to serving the basic of objective of the firm, consultants has some specific objectives like, maximizing profit- both short-term and long-term profit, minimizing risk, maintain control, achieve flexibility, ensure liquidity and maintain financial discipline in the organization.

With the development of finance as a profession and as an important area of management, the role of consultants has undergone drastic changes in recent times. Presently, the consultants are in charge of determining the total amount of capital required (both working capital and fixed capital). This is done by proper forecasting and planning of finance. They also play a pivotal part in investing the funds in assets and projects with the aim of making profit. This is to be done in such a way that the earnings are more than the cost so that there is a positive net return to the concern.

To play his role well, the factoring consultant has different tools, such as cost of capital, which indicates the appropriate source of finance. Normally, the sources with minimum costs are selected so that the weighted average cost of capital can be kept at the minimum. Then there is leverage to decide the proportion between ownership funds and outside funds. Usually, outside financing is adopted to magnify the earnings on ownership funds, provided the outside financing is available at a lower cost and without much additional risk.

Factoring provides detailed information on factoring, credit card factoring, loan factoring, invoice factoring and more. Factoring is affliated with Invoice Factoring Discounting

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Monday, March 17, 2008

Factoring Companies

After the products have been selected and the systems for producing them have been designed and built, the next major step is to operate the system. This requires setting up a company structure, staffing the positions and training people. In factoring companies, managers are needed who can provide the supervision and leadership to carry out activities necessary to produce desired products or provide services. Other activities, such as purchasing and maintaining the inventory, are also required in maintaining the factoring companies. The aim is to obtain the best productivity ratio within a time period with due consideration to quality.

Controlling operations, as in any case of managerial control, requires setting performance criteria, measuring performance against them, and taking actions to correct undesirable deviations. Thus, one can control production, product quality and reliability levels, inventory levels and work force performance in factoring companies.

A number of tools and techniques have been developed to do this. With the development of computer hardware and software, it is now possible for virtually any measurable data to be reported as events occur. Systems are available for quickly and systematically collecting data bearing on total operation, for keeping these data readily available, and for reporting without delay the status of any of a large number of projects at any instant. They are thus primarily information systems playing a pivotal part in factoring companies to provide effective planning and control.

These and other systems that use the technology of fast computation clearly promise to hasten the day when planning all the areas of production can be more precise and controlling more effective. The drawback is not cost; rather it is the failure of managers to spend time and mental effort on conceptualizing the system and its relationships or to see that someone else in the company does so.

Factoring provides detailed information on factoring, credit card factoring, loan factoring, invoice factoring and more. Factoring is affliated with Invoice Factoring Discounting

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A factor is basically a financial institution that purchases accounts receivable from businesses. The factor normally bears the credit risks associated with the accounts receivable purchased by it. There are about twenty firms in the United States engaged solely in factoring. These firms raise their operating funds by issue of equity and debt capital.

The factoring agreement governs the relationship between the factor and the business whose accounts receivable the factor purchases. The following conditions are typically found in factoring agreements. The factor will select only those accounts receivable which appear to be acceptable to it. The sales of accounts receivable will be done to the factor on a non-recourse basis. This implies that the factor has to absorb the losses arising from uncollectible accounts.

The factor would set up an account, similar to a bank deposit account, for the firm. Monies will be deposited in this account as payments are received or as due dates arrive. The firm can freely withdraw amounts from this account. Surplus balances in the account earn a certain rate of interest. The factor is liable to pay the firm on the last day of the credit period or when the account is collected, whichever occurs first.

The factor will advance money to the firm against not-yet-collected and not-yet-due accounts receivable. These advances, representing a negative balance in the firm's account, carry a certain rate of interest. Factoring costs consist of three elements: factoring commission, interest levied on advances, and interest paid on surplus balances. Factoring commission is payment to the factor for administering the tasks of receivables management and bearing the risk of bad debt. Factoring commission is usually 1 to 3 per cent of the face value of the accounts receivable factored. The interest period on advances may be 2 to 4 per cent higher than the prime rate.

Factoring provides detailed information on factoring, credit card factoring, loan factoring, invoice factoring and more. Factoring is affliated with Invoice Factoring Discounting

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Friday, March 14, 2008

Credit Card Factoring

Credit policy refers to the combination of decisions pertaining to variables such as credit standards, credit terms and collection. Credit standards constitute the various criteria on the basis of which the customers, to whom credit is to be granted, are evaluated by the firm. Credit terms contain the terms and conditions of extending the credit facility. They include, duration of credit, terms of payment, delivery schedule, discounts etc. Collection efforts comprise the steps taken by the firm in order to collect the book debts from the customers.

There are different types of credit policies being followed by factoring companies. A firm may either follow a tight credit policy or a liberal credit policy. A firm is said to be following a tight credit policy where it sells on credit on a highly selective basis only to those customers with proven credit-worthiness and are financially strong. A firm following a liberal credit policy sells on credit to customers on liberal terms and standards. Credit is granted even for longer periods to those customers whose credit-worthiness and financial soundness are well known.

A tight credit policy means rejection or refusal of certain types of accounts whose credit-worthiness is doubtful. This results in loss of sales and consequently loss of revenues. When the firm loosens its credit policy, two types of administration costs are incurred viz., the cost of credit investigation and supervision and the collection costs. An immediate consequence of liberal credit policy is the accumulation of bad debts, where the firm is unable to collect the debts. This happens because the firm tends to sell even to such customers with relatively less credit standing. In modern days, the credit policy is used as an effective marketing tool capable of boosting the sales volume of the firm. This may be used to maintain the market share, especially in a declining market. Credit policy helps to retain old customers and create new customers by luring them away from competitors.

Factoring provides detailed information on factoring, credit card factoring, loan factoring, invoice factoring and more. Factoring is affliated with Invoice Factoring Discounting

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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Business Banking & Factoring

Business banking & factoring services help your business grow immensely

Several factors are responsible for the growth of your business including the hardwork that you put in, optimum finances, expert business knowledge, better business logistics and a host of other ancillaries.

Effective business banking and factoring services can provide your business the needed impetus that can bring a lot of positive results over the time.

An efficient banking institution is the prerequisite of any business organization. There are many aspects that you should consider when opening a new bank account for your business. Different business concerns have different banking requirements. Make it sure that the banking services offered by the banker meets your specific requirements. These days business bankers are providing services like online banking, anytime anywhere banking, telephone banking and similar other services designed to meet your business needs.

Other banking related service is factoring. Factoring means selling your business accounts receivable at discounted price to a factor. A factor may be a financial institution or a bank or any other institution that purchases accounts receivable from business concerns. Factoring allows you to get hold of finances for your business needs as and when they arise. You can get the needed cash within 48 hours. This process provides the immediate cash relief that your business so desperately needs.

There are many financial service providers and banking institutions in UK that provide very efficient business banking and factoring services for your business needs. You may compare their services online, consider the fees and charges that they impose and then select the one that suits your business requirements

Author: The author is a business writer specializing in finance and credit products and has written authoritative articles on the finance industry. He has done his masters in Business Administration and is currently assisting seek-uk as a finance specialist. For more information please visit:

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International Factoring - How to Finance your Frowing Export Sales

Are you selling goods or services internationally? Learn how to finance your growing sales.

Selling your goods internationally can be extremely rewarding and challenging at the same time. When you start exporting goods, you truly open your company to a world of possibilities, including the possibility of big financial rewards. At the same time, you expose yourself to some of the challenges of international commerce.

Many international transactions are settled using bank or corporate letters of credit, which means you can rest assured that you will be paid on time. However, many of your clients will insist that you give them payment terms. This means you may need to wait 30, 60 or even 90 days before you get paid. And if your company is growing, waiting to get paid can be very tough.

Going to the bank for a business loan may or may not work. Most banks only give business loans to businesses that have a great past history. But this is of little use to businesses that have a short history but a bright future.

A better option is to consider factoring your invoices, which eliminates the 30 day wait that it takes to get paid. Export factoring (or international factoring as it is also known) can be a very useful tool for new and growing businesses.

Factoring is a form of financing, where a factoring company advances you a substantial portion on your invoices. The factoring company waits to get paid, while you get immediate use of the funds. This eliminates the cash flow issues that happen when you extend terms.

Export factoring is a factoring specialty. Actually, very few factoring companies offer international export factoring, so when talking to companies be sure to be specific and ask if they offer this type of factoring.

Many factoring companies also offer purchase order financing. This factoring product extension provides you with financing to fulfill purchase orders. Purchase order financing gives you the necessary funding to pay your suppliers, using the purchase order as collateral.

If your company is growing and selling goods offshoreFind Article, be sure to look into factoring and purchase order funding as valuable financing tools to help you grow.

We are trade financing experts and can provide you with international factoring, export factoring and invoice factoring financing. For a quote, call Marco Terry at (866) 730 1922.

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Are you a Freight Broker? Learn if Factoring your Freight Bills can Help you Grow your Business

Running a freight brokerage can be very profitable. Although being a freight broker can be very rewarding, financially speaking, it can also be very challenging. Especially since drivers depend on you to pay them quickly. And many times, your clients make you wait 30 to 60 days before they pay you.

So you have a challenge. Your drivers want to get paid quickly but your clients want to pay slowly. The math doesn't work. Unless you have a nice cash cushion in the bank, paying your drivers will be a problem. And trying to get bank financing will get you nowhere. Banks always provide financing based on your past history. What if you are a new or expanding freight broker?

A better solution is to finance your freight bills through freight broker factoring. Freight factoring provides you with immediate money for your freight bills, giving you the necessary funds to pay your business expenses and most importantly - your drivers. And, as opposed to business loans, freight factoring is easy to obtain. While banks usually look at your past history to make their credit decisions, factoring companies look at your future potential. The main qualification requirement is that you do business with credit worthy clients that pay on time.

If you are a freight broker, factoring your freight bills may be a little bit different from traditional factoring. Most factors will team up with you to find a solution to pay your drivers on time, since this is essential. Others may even pay your drivers on your behalf, helping you handle back office tasks.

Freight broker factoring works as follows:

1. Once the freight has been delivered, you send copies of the documents to the factor 2. The factor advances you up to 100% (less fee) of the freight bill 3. You get immediate use of funds, while the factor waits to get paid 4. Once the client has paid, the transaction is settled

One of the big advantages of factoring is that it is easier to get than a business loan. And, as opposed to business loans, factoring financing grows with your business. The more you invoice, the more financing you qualify for.

About Commercial Capital LLC
Do you know how to find truck loads? Are you moving truck loads of cargo? We help finance freight brokers through our freight broker factoring program. For more information call Marco Terry at (866) 730 1922.

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Monday, March 10, 2008

Invoice Factoring Financing for Small Businesses

Do you sell products or services to commercial or government customers? If you do, then you must be very familiar with having to wait 30, 40 or even 60 days to get paid by your clients.

Most large businesses can afford to wait. Unfortunately, few small business owners can afford to wait - and worse - most small business owners do not take into account that they will have to wait to get paid when they first start their businesses.

But what if you can't afford to wait 60 days to get paid? The best solution is to factor your invoices.

Factoring is a financial tool (similar to a line of credit) that eliminates waiting to get paid by your clients. Factoring financing provides you with money for your invoices, usually 24 hours after you submit them. It provides you with the necessary cash to pay rent, expenses and take on new opportunities.

Invoice factoring is an ideal tool for cash intensive businesses such as trucking, staffing, business services, medical offices and IT. It works as follows:

1. You deliver a product or a service and generate an invoice
2. You submit the invoice to your client and send a copy to the factoring company
3. The factoring company advances you up to 85% of your invoice
4. The remaining 15% is held as a reserve to cover charge backs and credits
5. Once your client pays the factor, the transaction is settled and the reserve is rebated (less a small fee)

And how much does factoring cost? It varies on your business volume, how long your clients take to pay and their credit worthiness. Most factors will charge a fee of anywhere between 1% and 2.3% for every 10 days that an invoice is outstanding. However, fees vary and can usually be customized to fit your needs.

The biggest difference between invoice factoring financing and a bank loan is that factoring is easy to obtain. Since the factor is financing your invoices, their biggest concern is that you do business with strong credit worthy businesses. This means that factoring is available to small and new businesses, provided that you have good clients. And as opposed to a bank, a factoring company will not ask you for endless financial reports and three years worth of audited financials.

About Commercial Capital LLC

Interested in factoring your invoices? We can provide you with a factoring and small business factoring financing. Call Marco Terry at (866) 730 1922 for a quote. Need more info? Go here to get factoring resources, freight bill factoring resources

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Can Medical Factoring Financing Fix your Cash Flow?

Most healthcare businesses have to wait between 15 to 150 days to get claims paid by private insurance, Medicare/Medicaid and HMOs. Although most payments are made in 15 to 45 days, a simple change in billing codes or a request for additional documentation can add weeks or months to the expected payment date of a medical claim.

However, if you own a healthcare practice, DME, hospital or testing center you have expenses that must be paid like clockwork. Payroll needs to be met. Rent needs to be paid. Equipment must be bought. Not surprisingly, all these expenses have one common element - you either pay them or you go out of business.

This leaves you with two possible options. Either you must have a cash reserve sitting at the bank or you need to get financing to cover the wait.

Many healthcare businesses try to get a loan or a line of credit. Although they can work reasonably well, they have one serious drawback. They have limits. And once you reach them, you are usually out of luck if you need additional financing.

The best alternative is to factor your medical receivables with medical factoring. Medical factoring provides you with financing based on your insurance claims, eliminating the wait and providing you with funds to operate your business. And opposed to traditional financing, you have no set limits. You can factor as many insurance claims as you can generate. It's really a tool for growth.

Factoring is easy to implement and incorporate into your business. Here is how it works.

1. You send your claims to the insurance company and to the factor
2. The factor advances you up to 85% of your expected net collections
3. 15% is not advanced and is used as a reserve to handle charge backs
4. You get immediate use of the funds while the factoring company waits
5. When the claim is paid, the transaction is settled

Since factoring relies on the insurance company's payment habits and financial strength, it can be a great tool for new and growing businesses that may not qualify for - or have exhausted - their bank options.

About Commercial Capital LLC
Are you looking to factor your medical receivables? We can provide you with a medical factoring quote. Call Marco Terry at (866) 730 1922. Need more information? please go to our medical factoring resources area

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Friday, March 7, 2008

Is Your Freight Company Stuck In Neutral? Finance It With Factoring

Growth in the trucking industry is all about freight volume. The more freight you move, the faster your company will grow. But big volume comes with a catch ? slow paying customers. Unfortunately, waiting 30 to 45 days to get paid is very common in the industry.

But what if you cannot afford to wait 45 days to get paid by your clients? What if you need to buy fuel, pay drivers or pay for repairs? Employees and suppliers seldom like to wait to get paid.

Needless to say, going to the bank for financing is not an option. They usually do not like to finance small and mid sized businesses. Unless, of course, you have tons of assets, three years worth of financial statements and you have great credit.

So, now what? What are your options?

If you own a trucking company, there is a solution that will provide you with plenty of financing. And as opposed to bank loans, this financing is tied to your freight bills. The more you invoice, the more financing you qualify for.

This solution can provide you with the necessary funds to buy fuel, pay drivers and pay for repairs. And it is available to freight companies of any size. The solution is called freight bill factoring (or freight factoring for short).

Freight bill factoring works as follows:

1. You deliver the freight and invoice your customer
2. You send a copy of the freight bill to the factoring company
3. The factoring company advances you up to 90% of your invoice (10% held in reserve)
4. Once the factoring company gets paid, they rebate you the remaining 10% less their fees

As opposed to bank loans, factoring has no arbitrary high limits. You can factor as many freight bills as you can generate. So, as your company grows, so does your financing.

Factoring is a great tool to finance growing trucking companies that need money to grow. It allows you to take on new opportunities to drive your company to the next level.

About Commercial Capital LLC We specialize in business financing. We can provide you with a free freight bill factoring, freight factoring or invoice factoring quote. For an immediate consultation, call Marco Terry at (866) 730 1922 or or

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Thursday, March 6, 2008

Financing Your Pharmacy With Medical Factoring

Hurry up and wait. If you own a pharmacy that is billing private insurance companies, HMO?s and Medicare/Medicaid you know the meaning of that phrase very well. Hurry up and wait is what happens after you submit client claims for payment. You wait 30, 60 and sometimes 90 days before you get paid.

In the meantime, you still need to pay rent, meet payroll and pay your suppliers. Paying them on time is critical for the success of your business.

So, what can you do if you cannot afford to wait to get paid? Going to the bank won?t help you unless you have been in business three years, have great credit, plenty of assets and can provide three years of audited financials. Without them, banks will seldom lend you a dime.

But there is a financing tool that can provide you with the financing you need. Not only that, as your sales increase, so does your financing. This tool will allow you to have the funds to pay rent, meet payroll and pay your suppliers. It eliminates the hurry up and wait game that insurance companies play.

It is called medical factoring.

Medical receivables factoring provides you with financing based on your slow paying insurance claims. As opposed to bank financing, medical factoring is easy to qualify for and can grow, as your business grows.

It works as follows:
1. You bill insurance companies, Medicare/Medicaid and HMOs as usual
2. You then submit your invoices to the factor for financing
3. The factoring company advances you up to 85% of your expected collections
4. The remaining 15% is kept as a reserve.
5. You get immediate use of the money. The factoring company waits to get paid
6. Once the factoring company is paid, the remaining 15% (less a fee) is rebated

Factoring financing streamlines your cash flow and allows you capitalize on your biggest asset: your slow paying claims from insurance companies. It is an ideal tool for new and growing pharmacies or healthcare providers who need the cash flow to grow and take their business to the next level.

About Commercial Capital LLC We provide business financing. We can provide you with a medical factoring, medical receivables factoring or invoice factoring quote. For a free consultation, call Marco Terry, at (866) 730 1922 or or

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Factoring Your Way To Liquidity

There are various types of factoring available. These factoring can be in any industry viz. account receivable factoring, asset based lending, business loans, construction factoring, credit card receivables factoring, distributors factoring, equipment, hard money loans, invoice factoring, manufacturing, medical factoring, purchase order financing, real estate lending, staffing, systems, technology, trucking, verdict funding, wholesalers, etc.

Various agencies provide all these types of factoring. Usually their turnaround time is 24 hours. They provide exclusive online and paperless factoring solutions to the small and medium sized businesses. These agencies either provide stated rates for factoring of invoices of a particular amount or they offer a free invoice-factoring quote. Thereafter these agencies approach the factoring companies that purchase the creditworthy accounts receivable at a small discount and convert the invoices in to cash.

With the help of these factoring agencies cash is received in mere 24 hours and no debt is created. Since there is no debt created it increases your credit worthiness which can be used to avail a loan. This also represents a healthy balance sheet and strong financial position. These agencies also offer higher advance rates which ultimately results in factoring lesser invoices but generating all the required money.

Moreover the factors handle the collection in professional manner thus reduces the collection costs. They also help in processing of invoices by generating invoices online. This further means increased paperless work. As a result the turnaround time is much shorter than any other means.

Invoice factoring is also known as accounts receivable financing. This practice helps in solving the immediate cash flow problems for small businesses with immediate infusion of money. They also provide a credit facility to small business owners with complete flexibility. This also provides the working capital to the small or medium business owners. This factoring helps in generating working capital without the need of constant renegotiations. Since there is a considerable increase in the working capital it leads to more sales and expansion of business.

A practice of factoring helps small business owners not only to solve their cash problems but also help in increasing sales. Small business owners can also concentrate on their businesses rather than chasing their customers for payments and cash. Factoring practice helps all kinds of small to medium business owners whether they are a small trucking company or any manufacturers.

As a result of invoice factoring, it not only reduces accounting costs but also helps business owners and manufacturers in increased productivity. This practice if factoring the invoices keeps the businessmen from other time consuming jobs like collection, administration, book-keeping, looking up additional capital or warding off creditors.

Finally the best part of factoring is that the business ownership remains unchanged as in case of loan, etc. Since there is no loss of business equity, the ownership percentages remain unchanged.

Henry Byers, Factoring Financial Services advisor - focusing on Factoring Company and Business Factoring

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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Offshore Outsourcing re-factoring

Because of the impediments databases the Offshore Outsourcing re-factoring are unfortunately notorious for high level of coupling. In between the database, there is coupling in tables via overseas keys to other tables, and further coupling between those tables and database code, such as triggers and stored procedures, which manipulates those tables. Within the coupling between a database and the systems which access it, is a more significant problem for Offshore Outsourcing, including online software applications, batch jobs, reporting applications and data extraction systems. Systems like this, the same data tables and columns are usually accessed from several parts of the data system, and again use of the interconnection of system. Therefore, a simple data re-factoring can trigger a cascade of other, within Offshore Outsourcing through database and source coding.

The Process: Do not get carried away of primary things, Software Development team should not modify a production database; first of all, the vendor should try out ideas in their own sandbox development, and then examine production implications of proposed changes, while making those changes in the production database consider only if and when it makes sense to IT and Software Development.

For effective working of data re-factoring, it should migrate and convert, while every time the changes occurred for the database schema, it still needs to store the same data to maintain the original semantics of the systems. At the time writing the scripts, copy the affected data to secondary location and convert old schema to the new one, and then start translating the copied data, so that it can write to the new one.

Offshore Outsourcing by scripts The actually need for Offshore Outsourcing by scripts like: The evolvement of the Software Development database and others that will eventually be used as a help for migration of the production database. The script at the time of production is an accumulation for the Software environment, which is an important approach because of re-factoring the development environment. Before running the scripts one must back up their database, so at the time of requirement it can restore it. But writing of the scripts for Offshore Outsourcing is very difficult, with the experience it became a much easy task. In Practice: Well distinguished and designed database process is not an easy way for Offshore Outsourcing solution, with the right approach and the right team support; one can bring the well-known benefits of re-factoring to their database as well as in the coding system. One often has extensive coupling between systems and a database, which makes it as tedious task. Data re-factoring works best when it apply by one at a time, so it can iterate and incrementally release the Offshore Outsourcing work.

For detailed inforamtion log on to: Software Outsourcing News Blog India

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Monday, March 3, 2008

How Invoice Factoring Works

Can?t afford to wait 30 to 60 days to get paid by your clients? If you are like most business owners, waiting to be paid can be very challenging. In some cases it can mean lost opportunities. It can mean that you don?t bid for big sales because you know you won?t be able to play the waiting game. At its worst, it can spell disaster. It can mean that you need to delay payroll. It may mean that you don?t pay rent or taxes. It may force you to shut down your business.

If you are like most business owners, your first reaction will be to call your banker. Unfortunately, banks will not lend money to businesses that are new, have no hard assets or don?t have three years worth of profitable financial statements. At this point, most business owners give up, thinking that they don?t have any other options. However, they do.

If your company sells products or services to large credit worthy companies, you could qualify for invoice factoring financing. Invoice factoring reduces the time it takes for you to get your money to one day. How quickly could you grow your business if your invoices were paid in 24 hours?

As opposed to bank loans, factoring companies do not require hard collateral. The only requirement is that you have invoices form credit worthy clients. Factoring companies work differently than banks. A factoring company will provide you with financing based specifically on your invoices. This means that if your invoicing grows, your financing also grows.

Invoice factoring is very simple:

1. You generate invoices for your products or services
2. You submit the invoices to your clients and to the factoring company
3. The factoring company advances you up to 85% of the gross value of your invoices (the remaining is kept as a reserve to offset disputes)
4. Once the invoice is paid by your client, the factoring company releases the 15% reserve and charges their fee

Factoring financing is easy to qualify for and can virtually eliminate the 30 to 60 days it takes for your customers to pay. It provides you with the necessary working capital to grow your company and take new opportunities.

About Invoice Factoring Group. Need to receivables factoring? We can provide you with a factoring, invoice factoring or accounts receivable factoring quote for free. Marco Terry, the president, can be reached at (866) 730 1922 or at

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How Factoring Financing Can Help You Grow Your Business

Most sales to commercial clients usually carry 30 to 60 day payment terms. This means that as a supplier, you must deliver your products or services now. However, your client has between 30 to 60 days to pay you.

This creates a significant challenge for owners of small and midsize businesses. The problem is simple. Your clients want to pay you in 30 to 60 days, but you must pay rent, payroll and your suppliers now. As you can see, the math does not work. Unless you have a substantial bank account, this leads to an almost impossible situation.

If you are in this situation, it is also very likely that the bank will not be able to help you. As you well know, banks only lend to businesses that have three years of profitable operations and significant hard collateral. If you do not qualify for bank financing, your best bet may be to consider factoring.

Factoring is a business financing tool that helps business owners who cannot afford to wait 30 to 60 days to get paid by their commercial customers. Factoring provides you with the necessary funds to meet payroll, make rent and pay your suppliers on time.

As opposed to bank financing, factoring is easy to qualify for. The main requirements are that you have a profitable business with a strong roster of commercial clients. For the factoring company, your best collateral is the invoices from your strong customers.

Factoring is also easy to use. It enables you receive a substantial portion of your billings within a day of invoicing. It reduces the time you wait to get paid from 60 days to 2 days. The transaction is usually structured as a two installment sale of an invoice. The first installment, called the advance, is paid to you immediately. The advance can be anywhere between 70% and 90% of the gross value of the invoice. The remaining portion (10% - 30%) is held as a reserve to cover disputes and charge backs. The reserve is rebated as soon as the invoice is paid in full. The factoring company will charge a small fee for this service.

Factoring financing is an ideal tool for companies that are growing and that cannot afford to wait to get paid by the clients. It helps you to stabilize your financial situation and positions you for growth.

About Invoice Factoring Group. We can provide you with a factoring, invoice factoring or accounts receivables factoring quote for free. Marco Terry, the president, can be reached at 866 730 1922 or at

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Sunday, March 2, 2008

Stimulate Company Growth Using Accounts Receivable Factoring

Accounts receivable factoring is the sale of part or all of a debt that someone owes to your company. When companies purchase a debt through accounts receivable factoring, they pay for your invoice at a discount. They then collect the debt directly from the company who owes you money.

Accounts receivable factoring is distinct from using your accounts receivable as loan collateral because you are outright selling some or all of your receivable to a factor, such as a bank or insurance company, at a discount. You don't collect the debt owed to you from that account anymore, but you also don't have to worry about loan repayments. Accounts receivable factoring makes up about a third of all financing secured by American companies using accounts receivable and inventory as collateral; it's not an uncommon practice. And accounts receivable factoring can help you get large orders that you otherwise wouldn't be able to manage.

Consider the following scenario: you have ten thousand dollars in cash on hand, most of which is currently earmarked for payroll or debt payment. As a relatively new company, you don't have credit enough to use your accounts receivable as collateral for a loan. A large new account becomes available, and you bid on it and win. The problem is, you only have a workforce of fifteen people, and the new contract requires you to staff it with twenty people, purchase several new computers, and find space for the new staff to work out of. And you must do this immediately.

Your ten thousand dollars isn't enough to do this, and you can't get a loan. But you can engage in accounts receivable factoring, sell your current receivables at a small discount, and have the cash immediately on hand to hire the staff, rent the space, and purchase your necessary equipment.

Another possibility - you have a large amount owed to you as in accounts receivable, but one company is paying much too slowly, despite the penalties for late payment. You can sell your not-past-due accounts receivable to an accounts receivable factoring agent in order to maintain your cash flow, and with penalties for late payment applied to the other company, you will probably break even.

Using Accounts Receivable Factoring Wisely

When you sell part of or all of an account to an accounts receivable factoring company, try to get a personal recommendation for the company from a trusted associate: another company's officer, a trusted friend, a bank, etc. If you can't, at the very least ensure your accounts receivable factoring agreement states exact conditions, charges, and procedures for the purchase of your accounts receivable.

And don't use accounts receivable factoring just as a way to get ready cash. Accounts receivable factoring can help you determine whether your payment terms are overly generous, whether the companies to whom you're extending credit are credit worthy, and whether your collections arrangements are adequate for your business. When you speak to the agent arranging your accounts receivable factoring, be it a broker or the actual funder, ask about these things. Accounts receivable factoring companies are interested in long-term ongoing relationships with companies, and will be happy to help you ensure your procedures and information concerning accounts receivable are adequate for your needs.

You should never use accounts receivable factoring for debts you suspect won't ever be paid. Again, you want to develop long-term relationships with accounts receivable factoring companies; they can help your company grow for a long time into the future. But if you sell them accounts they can't collect on, you can be certain they won't work with you again, and they may share that information with other accounts receivable factoring companies as well.

Henry Byers, Accounts Receivable Factoring advisor - focusing on Business Factoring and Factoring Receivables

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